Aftogel protective film with nystatin and anesthetic (15 ml)

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Product code Brand Infopharm

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6.55 lei
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Aftogel protective film with nystatin and anesthetic (15 ml)

Antithrush gel with nystatin and anesthetic

Provides protective film

Aftogel based on nystatin and anesthetic is indicated in the treatment of oral diseases, forming a protective film that stops pain and favors healing.

Indications: in the treatment of - canker sores, oral mycoses, gingivitis, stomatitis, ulcers and injuries caused by removable prostheses or orthodontic appliances.

Method of administration: After oral hygiene, apply the gel to the gingival tissue, gently massaging, 3-5 times a day until the symptoms disappear and the gel is drained.

Composition: glycerin, borax, nystatin, natural thickening agent.

Product code Brand Infopharm
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